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Benefits of LOVAG

The issue of a LOVAG Certificate means that is has been produced by a signatory to the agreement following the common applications and test methods contained in LOVAG Test Instructions and Test Decisions. The testing will have been carried out in a recognised test laboratory accepted by the LOVAG members.

  • The Low Voltage Agreement Group (LOVAG) is an Mutual Agreement Group of Certification Bodies founded in 1991 which has achieved a high level of competence in testing and certification of low voltage equipment.
  • The signatories to the Agreement are required to comply with EN ISO/IEC 17065 before they may sign the Agreement.
  • The laboratories used for testing low voltage electrical equipment are required to comply with EN ISO/IEC 17025 before they may be accepted for testing for LOVAG certification.
  • LOVAG‘s main purpose as an Agreement Group shall be for the mutual recognition of the test reports and/or certificates of conformity by its signatories.
  • LOVAG provides a service of one-stop certification for its clients that is acceptable world wide.
  • LOVAG provides protection of the integrity, reputation, and experience of the signatories and their laboratories.
  • Through Peers‘ Assessment the certification bodies maintain and improve the operation and integrity of the members of the group.
  • LOVAG is an open agreement which any certification body complying with the LOVAG rules may join.